XForms: November 2005 Archives

(Mozilla) XForms in IE

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Peter has talked about it for some time, but now his MozzIE project is available on Sourceforge! It is a plugin that allows you to use Gecko as a rendering engine to display XHTML and XForms (and SVG I think) in Internet Explorer. It also includes various patches of his own, that we (slowly) are incorporating in our codebase.

I haven’t tried it myself (I have no Windows installation), so I have no idea how it works, etc.

The rumours about cuts at Novell were true, and it hit our Novell XForms R&D office quite drastically: We (including me) exist no more :(

Talk about bad timing. Firefox 1.5 is about to hit the shops, opening up for XForms — and I believe XForms in general is starting to pick up speed. I’m really sad to leave the colleagues, the office, and “the XForms project” in general. I hope to be able to finish off the XForms extension somehow, but frankly I’m having a hard time finding the motivation right now.

I hope to find the motivation, and possibly a “sponsor” to at least get XForms 1.0 done for Firefox. I’ll probably hang around irc until the end of November, and try to do some Mozilla work.

Let me say that I’ve really enjoyed working with Mozilla, and all the good and smart people involved in the project. After November the future’s quite uncertain. So, if I do not get a chance later: Have fun with the project, it was really nice to be part of it as long as it lasted!

… Allan (allan @ “guess what” dot dk)

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