XForms: January 2006 Archives

Spain, here I come :)

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As previously written I found a sponsor for further XForms development. It’s Fundación CTIC, which is tied to the regional government and also hosts the Spanish W3C office. My main job will be XForms development in Firefox, but I’ll also help them with various XForms issues. I think it is great that they have interest in XForms and found money for this! It’s good news for XForms.

To help them, I will move down there for four months. Fundación CTIC is located in Gijón, which is located on the north coast of Spain, in an area called Principality of Asturias. Looks like a very nice area, and I’m looking forward to the Spanish food, nature, language, etc. My Spanish is very limited though, but with the help from BBC and my other language skill I guess I’ll manage :)

As it looks now, my Mozilla future is not looking that bright after that though. There are opportunities out there, but they are located in the US or elsewhere, and I’m not interested in moving permanently from Denmark. So if nobody pulls a white rabbit out of a hat quickly, I’ll hide in “non-Mozilla-related corporate Denmark” when I move back.

But for now, I’ll have four months to try to tie the XForms extension together. We’ll have a new release shortly and I’ve been looking at automated testing of the extension, which I’ll also reveal more about soon.

XForms Update

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The short (and good) news is that I have a sponsor for four months starting February 1st (more about that later). Right now I’m trying to get back on track, but I’ll have a busy January — including a ski trip though :) I’ll try to get through bugmail and the request-queue as quickly as possible, but I’ll probably first be up and running at full speed in February.

Sorry to you all for the immense lag in both bugmail and request-queue!

I guess we should release a new version of the XPI soon too, to include some of the stuff that has been in the trunk for a while now, and I should try to get back to my weekly/bi-weekly “XForms Status Updates” too.

XForms Buddy still breathing

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Your good old XForms Buddy is still alive, it has just moved to beaufour.dk/xforms.

I’ve also added pretty printing of the instance data (not quite as smooth as I want it, but it’s a start), and done a bit of cleaning up.

Go try it out. (automatic updating will not work because it has moved…)

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the XForms category from January 2006.

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XForms: February 2006 is the next archive.

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